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Thursday 30 May 2013

Why poultry farming?
Poultry are efficient converter of food into egg and meat and feed items unsuitable for human consumption and bye products can be used successfully as feed for poultry. Egg contains 12.0% protein, 11.3% fat and 1% carbohydrate white broiler meat contains 18.2% protein and 6. 2% fat of higher biological value.

Poultry farming can be done on small as well as large scale. When it is done as small scale venture, the investment is also minimal. Hence it is an important enterprise foe self employment.
  1. Due to small generation interval the returns from this venture is quite quick compared to other livestock species. In layer farm income starts giving after 6 months while in meat production it starts after 2 months.
  2. Beside the use of poultry as food its manure is a boon to agriculture farming. Forty layer birds produce one ton of poultry manure in 18 months on deep litters which sufficient for 1 acre of land. Poultry manure is a rich source of organic matter nitrogen; phosphorus average poultry manure contains 2.6% nitrogen, 2.0% phosphorus and 1.5 % potash and trace elements.
  3. The biggest advantage with the poultry is that it can be done as family business where all the members whether male or female, adult or children, old or young can contribute substantially for successfully running of this enterprise. Thus it provides sufficient job opportunities for all the members of family.
  4. Poultry farming can be done in the back yard and due to this reason it is playing an important role in the social and economic uplifting of  weaker section of the society.
Progress of poultry industry in India: In India till 1960 poultry farming is usually confined to Back yard poultry farming due to low production of Indian breeds, lack of technical knowledge, poor consumption of eggs and meat uneconomic rates and certain misnomers regarding poultry farming were the main hurdles responsible for the poor growth of this sector.
During the past three decades poultry Industry has experienced tremendous growth rate due to changed thinking, technical progress and better health management of poultry birds.  At present poultry farming is a scientific and organized industry and playing an important role in creating job opportunities. At present the whole country is covered with poultry units. Govt. private sectors both are playing important role in the development of this sector.
For the first time in 1957, three thousand (3000) chicks of improved breeds were brought under USID programme. Five thousand (5000) fertile eggs of improved breed i.e. white leghorn, New Hampshire and white Cornish were also brought. Three leading private companies of America had established their farms in Delhi, Pune and Karnal.
These companies proved the good source of quality chicks. The industries related to poultry farming also experienced rapid growth. Various companies engaged in manufacturing of the inputs such as equipments, feed, medicines and vaccines have played significant role in supplying these inputs. Due emphasis has been given Five Years Plan in India. For fulfilling the goal of poultry development and exploiting the potential of improved breeds of poultry, Central Poultry Breeding Farms were established at Delhi, Shimla, Bhubneshwar and Mumbai. Thousands of chicks were supplied to farmers through these farms. Organized breeding programmes were also run by these farms. HH 260 and IBL 80 are the results of these programmes.
Central Avian Research Institute, Izat Nagar also developed the improved breeds of layers and broilers. Due emphasis was also given on the development of Indigenous breeds of poultry with the help of imported breeds of poultry. Now with these efforts, sufficient quantity of hybrid chicks of broilers and layer are also available in India with sufficient availability of balanced feed, vaccines, medicines and other inputs. Per capita consumption of poultry meat and egg is low as compare to developed countries. Hence, there are ample opportunities in this sector.
Problems in poultry industry and challenges:
Poultry development is chiefly confined in cities or near by cities. At present rural areas are still lacking in basic infra structure for poultry development and adequate know-how is also not available in the rural areas.  In spite of the extensive development in this field, the efficient experts are in shortage. With the result farmers have to depend upon chick suppliers, feed and medicine dealers and such other persons for their technical needs which may result in lesser profits and some time losses also.

A large number of companies have come in the field of production of poultry feed, vaccines, medicines and equipments etc. With the results, it is difficult to select quality product because most of the companies are interested in their own profits and ignoring the interest of the farmers.
Due to lack of proper distribution and marketing facilities, farmers have to suffer loss in spite of high production while consumers have to pay higher cost of the poultry produce.
The cost of various poultry inputs are increasing day by day with no proportionate increase in poultry products and with the result there is drop in profits.

In present context, it is necessary that the maximum production be done at minimum inputs. Hence, high quality technologies be developed in this field and subsequently be transferred to farmers. A strict quality control measures should be applied at each stage of poultry production.  An effective and efficient marketing system should be developed for marketing the poultry products to ensure proper and satisfactory price for their produce.
In rural areas the poultry production is practiced as backyard venture. Hence, suitable breed and techniques should be developed so that the poultry farming can be done at very low cost with better efficiency.

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