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Monday 28 October 2013

  1. Brooder guards: For minimizing the heat loss or keeping the chicks near the heat source, hover/brooder guards are used. The guards can be prepared by card board or tin sheet. Round the corners to avoid the huddling in the corners.
  2. Chick feeders and drinkers: Chick feeding trays are generally used to feed the chicks in the beginning. Usually trough or pan and hopper type feeders of smaller size are used for chicks. Pan and jar are generally used as drinkers for chicks and subsequently replaced by bigger size pan and jar and smaller tubs are used. Automatic drinkers and feeders are also used by the farmers.

Poultry Houses made by Bamboo and Wooden Poles
Equipments: The life cycles of egg producing birds are divided in three phases. These are as follows:
  1. Brooding period ( day old to 8 weeks)
  2. Growing period (9 weeks to 18-20 weeks)
  3. Laying period (19-21 weeks to 72 weeks)
The equipment requirements during all the three phase are different. The following equipments are required:
a. Brooding equipments
  1. Hover: Hover is usually a pyramidal/ rectangular or circular structure in which heating devices and bulbs are fitted for maintaining the temperature. 500 chicks can be brooded in a hover having diameter of 2 meters.

  1. Heating equipments: Kerosene lamps, electric heater/bulbs, gas heater and Bukhari are generally used for providing heat in the brooder house. Bukhari is locally made up tin device in which saw dust is used as fuel and it can be fabricated with the help of local blacksmith.                                                          

Tuesday 1 October 2013

How to do Poultry Farming?
Poultry farming is a rapidly developing business which can be adopted by any one for earning an additional income. It can be done as a part time as well as full time enterprise. To be successful in poultry farming it is essential to know the finer points and learning them. A slight carelessness may result in heavy losses. Now question comes in mind how to become successful poultry farmers?
Before adopting poultry farming as an enterprise following points to be considered:
  1. Since it’s a type of livestock farming, the growth is slow as compared to many other enterprises. Hence never expected huge and handsome profits from this venture it means that a poultry farmer can earn the profit to a certain extents/limits.
  2. Poultry farming needs your 24 yours attention. You can’t shut down this business at your will as can be practiced in other business. Hence, you must have got sufficient time to take timely and proper care of your birds.
  3. Never compare this enterprise with any other enterprise. It has its own character and nature.
  4. Poultry farming is a continuous cycle. Your concerted efforts are needed at every step. Never dishearten in adverse conditions.
  5. Poultry business is quite fluctuating. Never get overjoyed when rates are higher and depressed in the worst period.
  6. Must have firm belief in your self and have the ability to take the decision promptly. Must have cool temperament.
  7. Visit as many as poultry farms possible and discuss with poultry farmers about this venture. Search more for negative points than the positive points.
Now judge yourself regarding above mentioned points. If your opinion is positive in favor of poultry farming, explore the following in details:
  1. Easy and economic availability of the inputs such as chicks, feed, medicines, vaccines equipments etc.
  2. Marketing facilities and prospects.
  3. Sufficient availability of wholesome water
  4. Technical expertise or technical know how.
If the following facilities re available in your area, you can start a poultry farm.
How to start a poultry farm?

To be successful in a business or enterprise proper knowledge and technical know how is required. The State Agriculture Universities, Central Institutes and State Animal Husbandry Departments organize training programmes on poultry farming from time to time. These trainings give sufficient exposure to trainees about poultry farming. Besides training, one must visit nearby poultry farms to have first hand information and practical exposure of poultry farming.
Now plan your poultry farm, decide about the type of poultry farming-layer/broiler, size of farm system of housing-cage/deep litter, type of equipments etc. Now make your project report on the baiss of above information. Take the help of poultry consultant in planning and preparing the project report of your poultry farm. Plan your farm according to resources available at hand.
As per your project requirement arrange the finance. Finance can be of your own or it can be borrowed from bank as loan. All the nationalization banks offer loan for poultry farming. For obtaining loan from the banks one has to complete al the formalities and has to follow the guidelines of financing bank.
Execution of project: It is the most important component of poultry farming which includes construction of poultry house, making availability of inputs, rearing of poultry birds, marketing etc. This can be divided into two:

  • Project Execution Phase I: In this phase the construction of basic infrastructures and availability of inputs are assured. It is the most critical phase in poultry farming. Designing and construction should be done under the supervision of poultry expert. The environmental requirements of poultry birds should be considered while designing and constructing the poultry house.  A scientifically constructed good poultry housing add comfort to poultry birds and helpful in increasing productivity of birds. On the other hand a poorly constructed house all the time creates problems to poultry birds and with the result there is every possibility of loss to poultry farmers. All the equipments also should be of good quality.

  • Project Execution Phase II: During this phase actual rearing of poultry birds takes place with. With the help of your poultry consultants decide about the breed/variety of poultry birds, type of feed and its formulation, management strategy, disease control programme, marketing strategy and other poultry operations. Record every thing in writing to avoid the error. All the necessary preparation is made well in advance. Follow the instructions/ guidelines strictly as given by the poultry consultant from time to time. Keep your close eye on each and every operation on poultry farm. If any thing adverse is observed, immediately consult the poultry consultant for feasible solution. Remove/correct the defects at once.

There is a very narrow gap between profit and loss. Hence their utmost duty is to keep the cost of production at a minimum level i.e. less input more output. All the poultry operations must cost effective and strict vigil should be kept on these to have economic production. Never spend the money unnecessarily and lavishly. Always search for most economic and effective solution for the problems. Never hesitate to consult your poultry advisor whatever the problem, whether it is small or big.
If poultry farming is done skillfully with full efficiency, a satisfactory profit can be earned from this venture and this business can further be extended.
Housing and Equipment
Poultry housing management is a very important component of poultry production as it is directly related to productivity and profits of the farm. Poultry housing should be such that it not only protect the birds from hot and cold weather but should keep the birds free from stress. It should be able to fulfill the environmental requirement of optimum growth and production at minimum cost. The suitable poultry housing should be such that it should:
  1. protect the birds from excessive heat and cold weather;
  2. keep the relative humidity and moisture at minimum level;
  3. keep adequate ventilation inside ;
  4. keep ammonia level at minimum level.
The ideal temperature for optimum growth and production ranges from 15-25ยบ C. Hence, housing should be such that the temperature can be easily maintained in this temperature range. Birds are more susceptible to high temperature than the low temperature. The poultry house should be constructed keeping in view the requirement of hot weather except in those areas where temperature goes down to 0 or below it.
Three systems of housing are generally prevalent. They are:
1. Free range or open system: This type of housing system is known as backyard system and generally prevalent in rural areas. Birds are free to move in open. There is no proper arrangement for housing and feeding and the birds generally feed on greens, insects, kitchen waste etc. Some time night shelters are provided for these birds. There is no proper arrangement for health care hence heavy mortality may occur.

2. Semi intensive system: Proper arrangement for feed, water and other facilities and fixed free open space for movement during day time.

Semi Intensive System of Housing
Intensive system: It is most modern and scientific system of housing in which large numbers of birds are reared in a fixed space with proper arrangement for feeding, watering and other facilities. No open space for birds. Three types of housing are used in this system. They are:
a. Deep litter: In this type of housing the birds are kept on floor and saw dust, rice husk or any other such material is used as litter (Bedding). This system is useful for broilers and birds of heavy breeds.
Deep Litter
b. Cage system: Birds are kept in single or multi storied cages. This is useful in light breed for egg production. California or stair type cages are popular in which generally three birds are kept in a single cage.

Cage System
c. Slate or Slate cum Deep Litter: The birds are kept on wooden or iron slates. Some time both slates and deep litter are used for rearing the birds. 25% extra birds can be reared in both cage and slate system of housing.
Construction of poultry house: Following points should be kept in mind while selecting appropriate place for constructing poultry house:
  1. No possibility of water logging and proper water drainage
  2. Transport and communication facilities
  3. Availability of technical inputs and Technical guidance
  4. Marketing facilities
  5. Electric and water supply
With the development of communication, transport and other facilities these points have little value in taking the decision in this regard.
The space and other requirement for various groups of birds in deep litter system of housing is given below:
S.No.group WeeksFloor space (Sq./bird)Feeder space (inch/bird)Water space (inch/bird)
1. Egg/ light breeds
2. Meat/Heavy breeds
The space requirement for caged birds and broilers are different.
Following general specification are necessarily should be considered during construction of poultry house:
  1. Width of the poultry house: It should not be more than 32 ft. More the width of the house poor will be the ventilation and this will create problems in hot and humid climate.
  2. Length of the poultry house: The length of the house depends upon the available land and types of equipments to be fitted in the house especially automatic feeding and watering system.
  3. Type of roof: Gabble roofs are preferred with a slope of ¼ to 1/3. More slopes are needed in case of earthen tiles and thatch roof. Over hangs of 3 to 4 ft protect the birds from rain. Central ventilation in poultry house improves the ventilation in the house.
  4. Height of the house: Most open sided poultry houses have a stud that is 8 ft (2.4 m) long. This then represents the distance from the foundation to the roof line. In areas where temperature is exceptionally high through out the year, the stud length should be increased to 10 ft (3m).
  5. Insulation: Even with the conventional poultry house, it is well to provide some type of insulation. The roof may be insulated using special products or local materials.

    Poultry House
  1. Foundation: A solid and adequate foundation should support the building. Concrete, concrete blocks, bricks or other permanent and termite proof material should be used.
  2. Floor: With certain disease control programme, a concrete or similar floor is mandatory.
  3. Door: Doors at the end of the house should be large enough for smooth functioning of all the operation in the poultry house.
  4. Front and back sides: With this type of house most of the area in front and back of the house is open. The height of the opening will be determined by the type of birds being housed and climatic conditions. These are as follows:
    1. Broiler and young chicks: From 1/3 to ½ of each side is left open in normal climatic conditions. The opening may be increased or completely open in extreme hot climatic conditions.
    2. Growing birds and layers: The opening size is greater for older birds.
    3. Cage houses: Sides should be almost completely open.
The wire mash should have 1 inch squares to facilitate proper ventilation. Smaller square size often create problem during hot and humid conditions.
In rural areas to start with, poultry house can be constructed using locally available materials such as bamboo or wooden poles, thatch or earthen tile, etc. These types of houses are not having longer life. Hence it is good to start with. Future expansion should be made with more permanent type of structure.
Problems in poultry industry and challenges: 
Poultry development is chiefly confined in cities or near by cities. At present rural areas are still lacking in basic infra structure for poultry development and adequate know-how is also not available in the rural areas.  In spite of the extensive development in this field, the efficient experts are in shortage. With the result farmers have to depend upon chick suppliers, feed and medicine dealers and such other persons for their technical needs which may result in lesser profits and some time losses also.
A large number of companies have come in the field of production of poultry feed, vaccines, medicines and equipments etc. With the results, it is difficult to select quality product because most of the companies are interested in their own profits and ignoring the interest of the farmers.
Due to lack of proper distribution and marketing facilities, farmers have to suffer loss in spite of high production while consumers have to pay higher cost of the poultry produce.
The cost of various poultry inputs are increasing day by day with no proportionate increase in poultry products and with the result there is drop in profits.
In present context, it is necessary that the maximum production be done at minimum inputs. Hence, high quality technologies be developed in this field and subsequently be transferred to farmers. A strict quality control measures should be applied at each stage of poultry production.  An effective and efficient marketing system should be developed for marketing the poultry products to ensure proper and satisfactory price for their produce.
In rural areas the poultry production is practised as backyard venture. Hence, suitable breed and techniques should be developed so that the poultry farming can be done at very low cost with better efficiency.